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Students' Council

Constitution of Doora NS Student Council


Our Student Council is a representative structure for all students in our school. Through the Student Council, students will become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students. In keeping with ‘The National Children’s Strategy’, the children will be given a voice in matters that affect their lives and they will be provided with opportunities to participate in decision-making.



  • To give the student body a ‘voice’

  • To support students

  • To participate in the consultative process

  • To plan special events or programmes

  • To improve the quality of experience for all children in the school

  • To develop leadership skills in the students

  • To positively influence decisions made in the school

  • To report to the PA and BOM on issues that are important to the students of the school

  • To make contact with local representatives, the Department of Education and other relevant outside agencies on matters of importance to the students of the school, as appropriate



  • The Student Council will be representative of all students in the school.

  • Only students can be elected to the Student Council.

  • Mr Darmody will work with the Student Council and form the link between the Student Council, the Board of Management and the Parents  Association.

  • Elections will be held in September/October each year.

  • Elections will be held by Secret Ballot.

  • Bloom & Snowdrop will be represented by 1 child

  • Senior Pupils will be designated to represent the Junior Infant & Senior Infant classes

  • 1st & 2nd class and 3rd & 4th class will elect 1 boy & 1 girl as their representatives (2 children per classroom), while 5th & 6th class will elect 1 boy & 1 girl from each year group (4 children)

  • The counting of votes will be carried out by the teachers of participating classes.

  • A pupil may sit on the student council for a maximum period of two terms, over his/her time in Doora NS, but not consecutively.

  • Class meetings will take place the week prior to the council meeting.

  • The Student Council shall have the right to co-opt a replacement in the event of a resignation from the council.

  • Student Council Officers to be as follows: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, (Liaison with ASD Classes, if required), to elected by members of the Student Council at the first meeting

  • Any meeting of the Student Council must have a quorum of at least 5 before it is valid

  • Minutes of each Student Council meeting duly adopted and signed & kept in the Student Council Folder

  • Meetings will be held on the last Friday of the month where possible, after lunch. Additional meetings as required in the lead up to events


Students Council 2022/2023

Chairperson: Daniel Madigan
Secretary: Muirne Quinn
Treasurer: Anusha O'Halloran 

Our work to date:
1. €1100 raised in May 2022 for children effected by the war in the Ukraine. See 'News & Events' for further details
2. Supported Doora Development Group with their submission to Ennis Municipal District re: provision of footpaths/cycle lane to school Please click here to view our letter
3. Supported our school in their submission to the DES to provide suitable accommodation for our pupils. Please click here t​o view our letter
4. Raised €400 for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland


Our Newsletters
Term 1: Please click here

Contact Us

Tel: 065 682 9636

School Hours

Monday to Friday

Start Time: 09:00

Morning Break: 11:00 – 11:10

Lunch: 12:40 – 13:10

Finish Time

Infants: 13:40

1st – 6th Class: 14:40


Doora, Ennis, Co.Clare


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